Sunday, August 29, 2010

Its a whole other world...............

Well no work for this ER nurse tonight, but now I am blogging about work so I think I need a psych consult!!  Three nights in a row will really kick my ass, it was probably the 12 days off before that reallt did it! I was so ready to go back to work, I work with amazing people! It is a whole other world wroking in a pediatric emergency department, we see bad things everyday and are able to go home and be "normal" people again.  I say this because it takes alot to do what we do everyday, and for the most part "normal" people dont want to know what goes on where we work.  They dont want to know that kids get cancer, that kids are injured by people that are supposed to love them, and that kids die.  I soemtimes wish for a short while that I could go back to the days of working in a "regular ER" and take care of crazy drunks that want to call me a bitch and spit on me....... yes I know that does not sound like fun at all, but it is not sad and it is not a child and it is just a stupid person I can laugh at later. Then I snap out of it and remember that I love working in a pediatric ER, I love seeing kids smile ( it does happen there) and I love seeing them get better. I love being there when they come in to get a new kidney or new heart and you get to see the joy and hope on there parents faces that was not there before they got the call to come in. I can see the joy that can come from a tragedy........ I commend all the great people I work with, not just the nurses and the docs, but the unit secretary, the registration clerks, the housekeepers, and our child life specialist....they may not have there hands on the patient but they see it and it is hard for them to... I love my job and I love my co-workers, we live in two seperate worlds, the ER and the "normal" world that everyone else lives in..... and we "get" each other...................

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The addiction is ending...............

My addiction to shopping is coming to a halt... OK not really it is just slowing down, I am going back to work tomorrow night after 12 days off. I hope to have some way more interesting stuff to write about as I get back to my normal life of Night Shift ER Nurse........lets hope my first night back is a good one, since I am in charge!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cute stuff............

I am a sucker for cute stuff for my girls check it out!!...........

Thursday, August 19, 2010

6 days and counting............

So this ER nurse has been home for 6 days and has 6 more to go. I don't think that a "staycation" is the thing for me. I guess it is in my nature to want to stay busy working, not doing housework! And I sort of miss my co-workers, they are also my friends. 

I was supposed to find out if I got promoted to partner ( this is sort of like a clinical ladder )  this week, but JACHO put a stop to that and it was put off for another month. I worked really hard for months for this and am pretty disappointed that I have to wait longer!! BOO JACHO !!!

No fun stories today, just hanging out with my girls -- note to self when bathing 2 little girl's wear a raincoat!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Cheaper then Therapy.....

Hello I have not been to my sad little blog for over 2 years now, shocked I can remember the password!!

Life is crazy these days, working, 3 kids, and a husband - ok make that 4 kids! In the beginning of a mini staycation right now, not getting anything done at home and actually missing the ER a bit -- maybe not the ER, maybe just my work friends, they get me.. I don't think anyone else does. Well lets hope I do not leave my blog blank for 2 years this time around, this has to be cheaper then therapy!!